Mar 06, 2025  
PVCC 2021-2022 College Catalog 
PVCC 2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies

Student Complaints

PVCC students and members of the public have the right to file informal and formal complaints against PVCC personnel or actions. Verbal complaints are considered informal and the procedure for informal complaints is to be followed. Written complaints (hard copy and e-mail) are considered formal and the procedure for formal complaints is to be followed.

This policy does not apply to (a) student grade appeals, (b) all human resource policies, (c) all appeal and grievance policies and procedures explicitly described in the VCCS Policy Manual, (d) any formal appeal or grievance covered by another PVCC policy (e.g., code of conduct, admissions, financial aid, satisfactory academic progress, etc.).

Policy and Procedure for Informal Complaints

Informal (verbal) complaints by students or members of the public are to be dealt with through a face-to-face discussion between the complainant and the responsible college administrator supervising the area. If through this process, a mutually satisfactory resolution of the complaint cannot be reached, the complainant may put the complaint in writing and move to the policy and procedure on formal complaints or the complaint will be considered inactive.

It is the responsibility of the administrator involved in an informal complaint to write a memorandum for the record detailing the nature of the complaint and the resolution. The administrator is to retain such memoranda in a file accessible to his/her supervisor upon request.

Policy and Procedure for Formal Complaints

  1. Formal complaints by students or members of the public are to be dealt with by the responsible college administrator supervising an area. Faculty and staff who receive a formal complaint should forward it to the supervisor of the area(s) involved in the complaint.
  2. The administrator handling the complaint is to gather information as necessary. Information must be gathered from the complainant.
  3. A written response (hard copy or e-mail) is to be sent to the complainant. A copy of the complaint and the written response is to be sent to the assistant to the president.
  4. If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, he/she may file a written complaint to the president. In such cases, the president will gather information and provide a final written response to the complainant with a copy to the assistant to the president.
  5. The assistant to the president will maintain a file of all formal complaints and responses.

Student Grievances

The Student Grievance Procedure is designed to provide an equitable process by which students at Piedmont Virginia Community College may resolve a grievance.  A grievance is defined as a written claim raised by a student alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by an employee or a student involving the application of a specific provision of a college rule or regulation.  There are two types of student grievances.

Academic grievance:  An academic grievance is an appeal of a final course grade or dismissal from an academic program.  An academic grievance must be based on at least one of the following:  arbitrary and/or capricious action on the part of the faculty member, including the assignment of a grade or dismissal from a program on some basis other than performance in the course or program; application of standards different from those that were applied to other students in the same course or program; the assignment of a grade not in accordance with the grading protocol on the course syllabus; or dismissal from a program not in accord with the program standards. 

Faculty members are responsible for informing students of the basis on which grades in each class will be assigned.  Assignment of grades is the responsibility of the faculty member and presumes fairness and best professional judgment.  The student who chooses to appeal a grade assumes the burden of proof concerning any perceived error in the grade assigned.

When a student grieves a dismissal from an academic program or a final grade that has the effect of preventing the student from continuing in a program or course sequence, the student may be permitted to continue in the academic program or course sequence until the grievance process is concluded with the following exception:

  • The student is in a nursing or allied health or other clinical program where the students’ continuation in the program may pose a health or safety risk to the student, patients, or others. 

Non-academic grievance-A non-academic grievance is a formal difference or dispute between a student and a college employee about the interpretation and/or application of the policies and procedures of the College or the Virginia Community College System that negatively affects the student.  A non-academic grievance may be based on one of the following claims:  arbitrary and/or capricious actions by a college employee or administrative office; policy or procedure applied unfairly and/or in a different manner than it was applied to others; administrative error in the application of the policy or procedure. 

Financial aid appeals, competitive admission program appeals, and Code of Conduct appeals including charges of academic dishonesty, and parking ticket and fine appeals have their own procedures and are excluded from the Student Grievance Procedure.

The college administration and the Threat Assessment Team reserves the right to supersede any step in the PVCC Student Grievance Procedure when doing so is in the best interest of protecting the safety of the college community and the individual(s) involved. 

Policy and Procedure for Student Grievances

Level 1.  A grievance must be raised within twenty (20) business days following the event giving rise to the grievance.  The student with the grievance shall first meet to discuss the grievance with the faculty member, administrator, or member of the classified staff involved.  At the meeting, the student must clearly present his or her case regarding the grieved issue and the resolution he or she seeks.  Every reasonable effort should be made by both parties to resolve the matter at this level.  In the case of academic grievances, if the faculty member who issued the grade is no longer at the College or is otherwise unavailable, the student should proceed to the division dean at Level 2.   

Level 2.  If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance in Level 1, or the faculty member, supervisor, or other college official fails to answer the grievance, or if the student has been allowed to bypass Level 1, the student may submit a written grievance to the division dean, supervisor, or other college official within ten (10) business days.  A copy of the original written grievance and the reply at Level 1 (if available) should be provided.  Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the student’s grievance, the dean, supervisor, or other college official shall schedule a meeting with all involved persons in an attempt to resolve the grievance.  The dean, supervisor, or other college official will prepare a written report of the outcome of the grievance within ten (10) business days after the meeting.

Level 3.  If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance at Level 2, the student may file a written appeal to the appropriate vice president (or president, if the grievance involves a vice president or if the vice president is involved at earlier steps) within ten (10) business days of the hearing at Level 2.  The Vice President will collect relevant information from all parties and review the record of previous actions. 

If, in the judgment of the vice president, the appeal and record of previous actions have resolved the grievance or do not warrant further action, he/she will notify the parties within ten (10) business days of receiving the appeal.  The vice president’s determination that the grievance does not warrant further action is final. 

If, in the judgment of the vice president, the grievance warrants further action, he/she will appoint a Grievance Panel within ten (10) business days of receiving the written appeal. 

The panel will include three students, three persons from the appropriate faculty, administrative, or classified ranks, and the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services who will serve as Chair of the panel.  In no case may an individual involved in an earlier level of the grievance process serve on the Grievance Panel.  Selection of the panel will be made by the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, in consultation with the Dean of Student Services, and with approval by the President. 

Within ten (10) business days after the Grievance Panel has been selected, the Chair will set aside a time and place for the hearing and notify the parties in writing at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.  The hearing will be held within fifteen (15) business days after the Grievance Panel has been appointed, and no later than thirty (30) days after the written appeal has been submitted to the vice president. 

Both parties may have an adviser present at the hearing; however, each party must so inform the Chair of the panel at least five (5) days prior to the hearing.  Either party may consult with their own adviser; however, the adviser may not speak for the party or address the members of the panel.  The parties will each have the opportunity to present any information relevant to the grievance.  The Panel may also request information from other sources. 

The Grievance Panel will make its decision by simple majority vote.  The Chair of the Grievance Panel will prepare a written report of the outcome of the hearing and provide it to both parties within ten (10) business days after the conclusion of the hearing.  The decision of the Grievance Panel is final and binding. 

Student Appeals

Financial Aid Appeals

Students who fail to meet the credit progress schedule, the cumulative grade point average, and/or satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards and lose eligibility for financial aid have the right to appeal the financial aid suspension (SS). Appeals will be evaluated by the Financial Aid Appeals Panel. The Financial Aid Appeals Panel will include three students, three persons chosen from the faculty, administrative or classified ranks, and the Dean of Student Services who will serve as Chair of the panel. Selection of the panel will be made by the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, with approval by the President. Decisions of the Appeal Panel are final. Students must make their appeals in writing and be willing to meet with the panel. Students must complete the Financial Aid Appeal Application. Students are strongly encouraged to appeal within seven (7) school days of notification of suspension to allow adequate time for processing and review.

Student Code of Conduct Appeals

The Student Code of Conduct enumerates clear expectations of students as members of the college community, the kind of unacceptable behavior that may result in disciplinary action, and sanctions and disciplinary proceedings utilized when the code is not observed. While on college property or at college sponsored/supervised events, all persons, including guests of students, are required to abide by all college policies, procedures, practices, and related rules and regulations. Copies of the PVCC Code of Conduct are available in the Admissions and Advising Center and at the college receptionist area. The current code of conduct is posted on the college Web site

Students who have been charged with a student code of conduct violation and who have received a minor or major sanction may appeal to the President in writing within 10 school days of the decision. The President shall take one of three actions: uphold the sanction, reverse the sanction, or dismiss the sanction. The decision of the President is final.

Competitive Admission Program Appeals

Students who are denied admission to competitive admission programs have the right to appeal. Students who are denied admissions should first meet with the appropriate program director to discuss the reasons why the student was denied admission. If this meeting does not resolve the issue, the student may file a written appeal to the appropriate program director. Appeals must be received within seven (7) school days after the meeting with the respective program director.

The appeal should include the reasons why the student feels their application should be reconsidered, what criteria or information the student feels was overlooked and any supporting documentation.

Appeals will be evaluated by the Admissions Appeals Panel. The Admissions Appeal Panel is made up of three faculty from outside of the health and life sciences division, three students including one currently enrolled in a health science competitive admission program, and the Dean of Health and Life Sciences who will serve as Chair of the panel. Selection of the panel will be made by the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services with approval by the President. The decision of the Admissions Appeals Committee is final.

Parking Ticket and Fines Appeals

Students who have received parking citations and fines may appeal in writing to the Parking Appeals Panel through the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services. The Parking Appeals Panel consists of two students, one employee with faculty rank and one classified employee. Selection of the Panel will be made by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services with approval by the President. The Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services will inform students who appeal parking tickets in writing of the results of the appeal.

Procedures for Filing Complaint with U.S. Department of Education

Issues involving financial aid, fraud, waste or abuse of federal funds, special education, or civil rights may come under the U.S. Department of Education’s jurisdiction. Listed below is contact information for these issues:

Office of the Inspector General investigates allegations of fraud, waste or abuse of federal educational funds, including federal student aid funds

Federal Student Aid’s Ombudsman will informally conduct impartial fact-finding about your complaints. This office will recommend solutions, but does not have the authority to reverse decisions. If your student loan complaint is justified, it will work with you and the office, agency, or company involved in the problem

Office of Special Education Programs is responsible for monitoring state and local compliance to federal special education laws

Office of Civil Rights is responsible for investigating any claims of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age

Computer Use Policy

To maximize the benefits of its computer resources and minimize potential liability, Piedmont Virginia Community College has created this policy. All computer users are obligated to use these resources responsibly, professionally, ethically, and lawfully.

You are given access to our computer network to assist you in performing your job or completing college class work. You should not have an expectation of privacy in anything you create, store, send, or receive in the computer system. The computer system belongs to the college and may only be used for business purposes. Without prior notice, the college may review any material created, stored, sent, or received on its network or through the Internet or any other computer network.

Use of the computer resources for any of these activities is strictly prohibited:

  1. Sending, receiving, downloading, displaying, printing, or otherwise disseminating material that is sexually explicit, profane, obscene, harassing, fraudulent, racially offensive, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful.
  2. Disseminating or storing commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs (that is, viruses or self-replicating code), or any other unauthorized material.
  3. Wasting computer resources by, among other things, sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games, engaging in online chat groups, printing excessive copies of documents, or otherwise creating unnecessary network traffic.
  4. Using or copying software in violation of a license agreement or copyright.
  5.  Violating any state, federal, or international law.

Violations of this policy will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including possible suspension of computing privileges, dismissal, and civil and criminal liability.

Firearms and Dangerous Weapons Policy

Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a police officer, is prohibited on college property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, child care centers, dining facilities, and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending college-sponsored sporting, entertainment, or educational events.

Current sworn and certified local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification, may possess or carry a weapon on college property, inside all campus buildings, and at all campus events.

Visitors and contractors may secure handguns, rifles, and shotguns in parked vehicles. Visitors and contractors are encouraged to secure weapons in the trunk of vehicles or otherwise out of sight of passersby. If visitors and contractors store handguns in a parked vehicle, the handgun must be secured in a compartment or container inside the vehicle.

Campus Safety/Student’s Right To Know

Federal legislation requires that campus crime data be reported to the federal government on an annual basis. The data is maintained for three years. This information is available to the public and can be found on the college website

Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking (Title IX)

As a recipient of federal funds, Piedmont Virginia Community College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, admission and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and similar conduct constitute sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The Title IX Coordinator is Teresa Willis, Director of Human Resources, whose office is located in Room M810A on the Main Campus, and may be contacted by phone at 434 961-5245 or by email at

Piedmont Virginia Community College is committed to providing an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination based on any status protected by law. For the complete policy go to:

Sexual Misconduct Policy

The sexual misconduct policy at PVCC applies to all students, faculty, and staff and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, and power relationships. PVCC will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form and will aggressively investigate all reported incidents of abuse on campus. The college encourages all members of the college community to be aware of both the negative and far-reaching consequences of sexual misconduct and the options and support services available to victims.

Sexual assault includes a wide range of behavior in which coercion is used to obtain sexual contact against a person’s will. It is defined as sexual contact without consent and includes: intentional touching without consent, either of the victim or when the victim is forced to touch, directly or through clothing, another person’s genitals, breasts, thighs, or buttocks; rape (sexual intercourse without consent whether by an acquaintance or a stranger); attempted rape; sodomy without consent; or sexual penetration with an object without consent.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct or written communication of a sexual nature when:

Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic performance; or

Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions such as promotion or performance evaluation; or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.

Power Relationships

As a matter of sound judgment and professional ethics, it is the responsibility of all faculty and supervisors to avoid having sexual relationships with or making sexual overtures to students or employees over whom they are in a position of authority by virtue of their specific teaching or administrative assignments.

The president designates a sexual misconduct policy coordinator to oversee all issues and incidents arising under this policy. All incidents of possible sexual misconduct arising under this policy shall be reported immediately to the dean of student services at 434.961.6540. The complainant may choose one of three procedures:

Procedure One. The complainant and the accused meet with the coordinator for discussion, informal mediation, and counseling to resolve the matter.

Procedure Two. With approval of the coordinator, the complainant and the accused are referred to an appropriate agency for formal mediation.

Procedure Three. The complainant and the accused go before the college’s Sexual Misconduct Policy Committee and a hearing is conducted on the alleged misconduct.

Consensual and Familial Relations

The VCCS prohibits consensual amorous and/or sexual relationships between employees and students for whom the employee has direct professional responsibility; familial relationships where a faculty member or supervisor will have a power differential over one’s immediate or extended family (activities generally prohibited are instruction, advising, counseling or supervising work activities); other potential conflicts of interest which have a negative impact on college operations.

Virginia Sex Offender Registry

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 requires all colleges to issue a statement advising the campus community where information on registered sex offenders can be obtained. The Virginia State Police Web Site provides information about registered sex offenders. Once the Web site is reached, click on “Sex Offender Registry” which includes an easy to use sex offender search feature.

Alcohol/Drug Abuse Assistance

Consistent with the adoption of a drug-free work place, PVCC works with students who are either identified as possibly having an alcohol or substance problem, or who self-refer in order to seek assistance.

Education has been, and will continue to be, the primary focus of the college’s efforts. Providing honest, factual information through organized educational programs will assist individuals in making reasoned decisions regarding the use of chemical substances. This includes information about illegal substances and their effects, and about the establishment of responsible drinking behavior for those who choose to use alcoholic beverages.

Assistance is available to students who may have chemical abuse problems. This assistance provides education, counseling and/or referral to a rehabilitation resource.

Recognition and referral for diagnosis and treatment is made by the dean of student services or designee to existing outside resources and service agencies.

Students who are desirous of confidential assistance from the college in dealing with a perceived alcohol or chemical substance abuse problem may self-refer for that assistance by making an appointment with an advisor or counselor.

Faculty, staff, or other students may wish to counsel a student to seek assistance through a voluntary referral to a counselor if a perceived problem with alcohol or substance abuse exists. No records regarding the contact with an advisor or counselor, the referral to an outside agency, or actions taken as an outcome of that referral, will be entered as part of the student’s permanent record.

A student who is disruptive of the academic process or ordinary functions of the college and/or who is verbally or physically abusive to students, faculty, or staff and who exhibits symptoms which suggest the possibility of alcohol or drug related causes of this behavior may receive a referral to the vice president for instruction and student services.

Anti-Hazing Statement

Student organizations at PVCC are prohibited from engaging in any hazing activities. Hazing is defined as any act that poses a threat of bodily harm. Anyone not abiding by this policy should be brought to the attention of the dean of student services.

Student IDs

A student photo ID card is a student’s official Piedmont Virginia Community College identification. Student photo identification cards are provided to students through the student activities fee. The photo identification cards can be obtained from the Public Safety Office. ID cards must be presented for admission to special student activities, to obtain parking decals, to purchase discounted bus passes and to check out library materials. ID cards can also be used for discounts at some local merchants.

Students IDs are not transferable to another person and students must present their student ID card if requested by College personnel. Failure to present an ID is a student code of conduct violation and may result in disciplinary action.

Student Messages

In a college environment, it is impossible to get messages to students without interrupting a class. Therefore, unless there is a documented emergency, no messages will be forwarded to students. Students should inform appropriate family and friends that they will not be able to leave messages for students at the college.

PVCC Emergency Procedures

Medical and Other Emergencies

In the event of an injury, illness, or other circumstances requiring immediate emergency assistance, the person on the scene should first call “911” and then contact either the receptionist (during the day) or a security officer (at any time). The receptionist can be reached by dialing “0” from a college phone between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. A security officer can be reached by dialing 434.981.6362. To dial either 911 or 981.6362 from a college telephone, you must first dial “9” followed by the phone number. Most classroom phones have the speed dial “1” button set to direct dial the security cell phone. The receptionist or security officer will summon emergency personnel if needed and notify appropriate persons at the college. The 911 addresses for PVCC are as follows (all on College Drive): 501 (Main Building), 400 (Dickinson Building), 490 (Keats Building), 600 (Stultz Center for Business & Career Development.)

Only employees with the proper training should attempt to administer first aid. First aid kits are available in each laboratory and shop, the receptionist’s desk in the Main Building, the Admissions & Advising Center (Room 144), the Business Office (Room 240), and the Security Office (Room 218). Kits are also available in the Dickinson, Keats and Stultz Center Buildings. Automated external defibrillators (AED’s) are located near the receptionist’s desk in the Main Building, in the 200 Wing near the Business Division Office (Room 270), in the 800 Wing near the Human Resources Office (Room 810), in the Dickinson Building near the Humanities Division Office (Room 317), in the Stultz Center Student Lounge and in the Keats Science Building near the elevator on both floors.

For situations that do not require immediate emergency assistance, the receptionist or a security officer should be contacted.

Call Boxes

Emergency call boxes are located in the parking lots. The call boxes will connect to PVCC campus security. A flashing blue light on each call box will help identify the exact location of the call box in use.

Fire, Gas Leak, or Bomb Threat

When the fire alarm sounds (in case of fire) or when verbally instructed (in case of gas leak or bomb threat), all persons should immediately leave the building by the nearest exit. Except for emergency personnel, all persons must remain at least 500 feet from any building until such time as authorization is given to return to the building. Parking Lot 3 is the designated evacuation area for the Main Building, the Dickinson Building and the Keats Science Building. All persons without exception must leave the building when instructed to do so by authorized personnel.

Tornado or Severe Windstorm

In the event of a tornado or severe windstorm requiring shelter, all persons should evacuate to one of the following interior rooms:

MAIN BUILDING: M155, M158, M159, M160, M174, M175, M248, M249, M251, M607, M701, M704, M813, M822, M823, M832, M834, M849, M850

DICKINSON BUILDING: D102, D106, D129, D130, D132, D222, D223, D226.

KEATS BUILDING: Upper and Lower Level Hallways

STULTZ CENTER: S100, S101, S109, S111, S113, S119, S131

Building Lockdown

A building lockdown will be ordered when it is more dangerous to evacuate the building than to remain in place. When a building lockdown is ordered, persons in public spaces should seek shelter in the nearest classroom or laboratory. Doors should be locked and interior lighting should be turned off. Stay away from windows and doors and remain in place. If gunfire is heard, get on the floor and remain quiet. Do not leave your place of safety until instructed to do so by authorized personnel.

Accident Reports

For accidents involving students or the general public, a Maxient Report should be completed by the supervising faculty or staff member, or by the person involved, as appropriate. For accidents involving PVCC employees, including student employees, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office (Room M810) to complete a Maxient Report and a First Report of Accident form.

Smoking Policy

The purpose of this policy is to maintain the general well-being of the campus community while considering the needs of individuals who smoke. Smoking is permitted in personal vehicles and within parking lots. Smoking is also permitted within designated smoking areas identified by “DESIGNATED SMOKING AREA” signs and the presence of smoking urns.

Except as noted above, smoking is not permitted on college grounds. Smoking is not permitted inside college buildings.

Smoking is defined as any tobacco product or other substance (including electronic or e-cigarettes or vapes) that emits smoke or is designed to simulate smoking cigarettes.

Smokers are responsible for properly disposing of smoking materials.

Smoking Shelters

Smoking shelters have been provided at several locations. Where shelters are provided, the designated smoking area is inside the shelter. It is a violation of college policy to post flyers or other materials on the smoking shelters.


Students, employees, and visitors who violate college smoking policy will be subject to fines and appropriate disciplinary action. PVCC security personnel are authorized to issue tickets for smoking violations. The fine for smoking on college grounds outside of designated smoking areas and for improperly disposing of smoking materials is $30. A ticket for a smoking violation is a collectible financial obligation to the College. PVCC is obligated by state regulation to take appropriate action to collect such obligations. These actions may include, but are not limited to, placing a hold on records, denying class registration, and submitting overdue obligations to the Virginia Department of Taxation debt setoff collection program.

Appeal Process

Appeals of smoking tickets should be submitted in writing to the vice president for finance and administrative services. A form is available from the Security Office, the Cashier’s Office or the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services’ Office for this purpose.

The vice president for finance and administrative services will act directly on appeals of tickets issued to visitors. Appeals from current students, faculty, and staff will be referred to an appeals panel consisting of two students, one employee with faculty rank, and one classified employee. The lead security officer will serve as a resource person to the committee and may participate in the deliberations, but will not have a vote. The appeals panel will meet weekly or as needed. In order to void a ticket, three panel members must vote to void. Otherwise, the ticket is upheld and becomes a collectible financial obligation to the College.

Decisions of the appeals panel will be reviewed by the vice president for finance and administrative services. The vice president may not reinstate a ticket that has been voided by the appeals panel. In unusual circumstances, the vice president may void a ticket that has been upheld by the appeals panel, in which case the vice president must provide the appeals panel with a written explanation as to why the ticket was voided.

During the summer term and when the College is not in session, the vice president for finance and administrative services will act on appeals. To the extent possible, the Vice President will seek the input of available appeals panel members during these periods.


The vice president for finance and administrative services will inform persons who appeal smoking tickets in writing of the result of the appeal.

Inclement Weather/Building Closing Policy

PVCC classes operate as normal and the College is open when primary and most secondary roads are passable. PVCC may cancel on-campus classes or delay the start of on-campus classes in the event of inclement weather. All online classes (online anytime and online scheduled time) will operate as normal in the event of inclement weather, even if on-campus classes are canceled or delayed.

Omnilert Emergency Notification System is the first method of notification, followed by the PVCC website, local television stations, and then local AM/FM radio stations. You are encouraged to sign up for the Omnilert Emergency Notification System to receive up-to-date emergency information from PVCC.

The following phone numbers will also have delay/closing information:

  • PVCC Main Phone: 434.977.3900
  • PVCC Inclement Weather/ Emergency Message Line: 434.971.6673

Television stations: WVIR-TV, WVAW 16, WCVA19, WAHU27


Radio Stations: Most local Charlottesville stations, WJMA/WLSA in Orange County, WUVA, WKCI/WKDW/WSVO in Staunton/Waynesboro.

Television and radio stations may experience a delay in reporting.

Children on Campus

PVCC cannot be responsible for the safety and welfare of unsupervised minors. Children must, therefore, not be left unattended while parents are working or attending classes at the college. In addition, except with the permission of the instructor arranged prior to the class session, small children are prohibited from any college classroom in which instructional activities are taking place. Parents of unsupervised children shall be held responsible for any destruction of property or any disruption of the orderly function of the college that their children may cause.

Parking and Vehicle Registration

Student Parking

The college has designated parking areas for students in parking lots 3 and 4. Overflow student parking is located near the ballfield. All students, both day and evening, must obtain a parking decal from the Security Office to park in these areas. Students should fill out a vehicle registration card during class registration and secure a decal which is to be placed on the lower left side of the vehicle’s rear window. The decal is effective through the academic year. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the decal is visible. Registering online does not excuse a student from the requirement to register his/her vehicle and secure a parking decal.

Each vehicle a student operates must have a decal to park on the PVCC campus. The general traffic regulations of the state are applicable on the PVCC campus. Fines will be imposed on those who violate college traffic and parking regulations, and students are responsible for any violation committed by the operator of a vehicle registered in the student’s name. There is no charge for a student parking decal. Not registering a vehicle is itself a parking violation subject to the same fine as other general parking violations.

Lot 1 is reserved for faculty, staff and visitor parking from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Lot 2 is reserved for faculty, staff and visitors from 7 a.m. to 6:30 pm. Monday through Friday.

If parking citations are not paid or canceled on appeal, repeated violators may lose on-campus parking privileges. The fine for general parking violations is $20. Appeals of parking fines should be made in writing to the parking appeals panel through the vice president for finance and administrative services (main building, room M241). Appeal forms are available at the cashier’s office or on the PVCC website.

Students who are employed by the college on a part-time basis are not eligible for employee parking permits.

Handicapped Parking

Handicapped parking permits that allow parking in designated handicapped parking spaces can only be issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The college is not authorized to issue permits which allow parking in handicapped spaces. All persons including students with valid handicapped parking permits may park in any handicapped space in any college parking lot. The fine for illegally parking in a handicapped space is $100. Albemarle County and state authorities may also issue tickets for parking in a handicapped space or for other violations (such as blocking a fire hydrant). The fines for tickets issued by county and state authorities are typically higher than for tickets issued by the college.

Traffic Offenses

In addition to parking in an employee or visitor parking space, the following are common traffic offenses:

Parking outside of a designated parking space; parking at a yellow curb; parking or stopping in a driveway so as to block the use of the driveway to others; parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant; parking in a bus zone or fire lane as indicated by signs or marks upon the road or curb; parking in a loading zone as indicated by signs or marks upon the road or curb; parking on the grass unless such parking is indicated by a sign as being permitted; parking in a zone or area designed by signs as reserved for restricted parking; failing to register a vehicle; expired decal; driving in a direction opposite to the marked traffic arrows.

It is forbidden to leave a vehicle unattended for a period of time exceeding 15 hours or to park a vehicle overnight without prior consent. As a general policy, overnight parking will not be permitted except for official college purposes or in an emergency. The Security Office (cell phone number 434.981.6362) should be contacted if circumstances require permission for extended or overnight parking.

Employee Parking

PVCC employees are issued permanent hang tags. Employee hang tags are available from the Security Office. Adjunct faculty members are issued temporary hang tags which are available from the division offices. Employees with properly registered vehicles may park in student parking areas at any time. Employees are subject to the same regulations regarding traffic offenses and appeals of parking fines as students.

Visitor Parking

Short term (2 hours or less) visitors should park in designated visitor parking spaces and do not need to secure a visitor’s parking permit. Visitors who will be on campus for longer periods or who must park in spaces other than those specifically marked for visitors should obtain a visitor’s parking permit. Visitors are not permitted to park in reserved spaces. Visitor’s permits are available at the main building reception desk and the Security Office. Students may not park in visitor spaces. Visitors are subject to the same regulations regarding traffic offenses and appeals of parking fines as are employees and students.

VIP visitor parking may be reserved by the President’s Office and the Office of Institutional Advancement and Development for board meetings and VIP visitors. Departments that have frequent or numerous visitors are authorized to issue visitor parking permits for general visitor parking. The standard PVCC temporary hang tag should be used for this purpose.


PVCC will not be responsible for loss or damage to motor vehicles or their contents while they are on college property. Drivers should use caution and good sense while in the parking areas.

Classroom/Lab Safety

Students are required to wear shoes at all times, have approved eye protection in potentially hazardous laboratories and shops, and wear other appropriate clothing or protective devices in laboratories, shops, darkroom, and any other place where there is a danger of injury. Students are expected to follow safe practices in their class activities.

Animals on Campus

Only service animals are allowed on campus.  PVCC defines a service animal as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities are also permitted on campus where it is reasonable to do so and where they can be accommodated.  Service animals are allowed in all public spaces without seeking permission from any College official.  

Assistance animals and comfort animals which provide emotional support to a person but are not trained to perform work or tasks related to a person’s disability are not permitted inside College buildings and facilities.  Assistance animals and comfort animals that are leashed, tethered or being held under the control of a custodian are permitted in outdoor areas on and around the College’s campus and facilities.  Custodians of assistance animals and comfort animals must have control of the animal at all times and must abide by all rules required under the laws of Virginia and local ordinances. 

Electronic Devices Policy

PVCC is committed to educationally sound uses of technology in the classroom and to preventing technology from becoming disruptive to the learning environment. Any use of technology that disrupts the learning environment or promotes dishonesty is prohibited. The course instructor decides whether any student behavior is disruptive. Violations are subject to disciplinary action for disruptive conduct as stated in the PVCC Code of Conduct.

Expressive Activity Policy

The Expressive Activity Policy applies to all buildings, grounds, and other spaces owned or controlled by Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). The term “expressive activity” includes:

  • Meetings and other group activities of students, student organizations, faculty, staff, and outside groups;
  • Speeches, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, and other events by students, student organizations, faculty, staff, and outside groups;
  • Distributions of literature, such as distributing leaflets and pamphlets; and
  • Any other expression protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

College property is primarily dedicated to academic, student life, and administrative functions. However, it also represents the vitally-important function of providing a “marketplace of ideas,” and especially for students, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other expressive activities. PVCC will place restrictions on expressive activities occurring indoors that are likely to create a significant disruption to normal college operations, but the outdoor areas of campus remain venues for free expression, including speeches, demonstrations, and the distribution of literature.

Indoors or outdoors, PVCC shall not interfere with the rights of individuals and groups to the free expression of their views or regulate their speech based on its content or viewpoint. Even though PVCC has established reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on expressive activity in order to prevent significant disruption of normal college operations, such restrictions are content-neutral, narrowly tailored to serve a significant college operational interest, and allow ample alternative channels for communication of the information.

No event or expressive activity shall be permitted to violate or hinder the rights of others within the campus community or substantially disrupt normal college operations. Hindering the rights of others, however, shall not be defined as promoting ideas that others find disagreeable, offensive, or even repulsive. Promoting unpopular ideas is fully protected. Examples of hindering the rights of others include, but are not limited to, preventing others from expressing their views; threatening violence against another person (something more than hypothetical) or engaging in violent acts; acting aggressively to try to force others to take leaflets or brochures after the person has declined; blocking others’ paths anywhere on campus; and other similar acts to deprive others of their rights.

The Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services shall be responsible for implementing the policy and is the appropriate official to receive inquiries about the policy.

Procedures for Reserving Campus Facilities

  1. If students, student organizations, or college employees desire to reserve campus facilities, they shall submit their requests to the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services. Requests must be made with at least 48 hours’ notice. Under extraordinary and rare circumstances, more notice may be required to allow for sufficient logistical support and to ensure the safety and security of the campus. No facility request will be denied due to the nature of the topic to be discussed. Requests may only be denied for the reasons listed under this policy.
  2. If individuals or organizations who are not members of the college community (i.e., not students, student organizations, or college employees) desire to reserve campus facilities, they must be sponsored and/or approved by a recognized student organization or the College to conduct expressive activities or events on campus. These individuals or organizations shall submit their requests for sponsorship or approval consistent with PVCC Policy II-100.0. No facility request will be denied due to the nature of the topic to be discussed. Requests may only be denied for the reasons listed under Section D (5) of this policy.
  3. The college will assess appropriate fees for equipment and facility use to users who are not members of the campus community, as per PVCC Policy II-100.0. Reasonable security fees will be assessed to defray the actual costs of providing security when the size of the audience may pose a risk to safety. Security fees shall not be assessed based on the anticipated reaction to the expressive activity.
  4. Facilities available for use are available only during normal operating hours or as otherwise posted. Any and all expressive activities must not create noise levels that interfere with students’ ability to study and learn in the classroom, library, and other rooms or that interfere with the ability of the college to conduct normal operations on behalf of students.
  5. Students, student organizations, and college employees may request to reserve campus facilities on a first-come, first-served basis. These requests may be denied for the following reasons only:
    1. The requested venue is an indoor facility that the college has designated as not available for expressive activity under section F of this policy;
    2. The requested venue is an indoor facility and the request conflicts with restrictions enacted pursuant to section D (4) of this policy;
    3. The venue is already reserved for another event;
    4. The activity will attract a crowd larger than the venue can safely contain;
    5. The activity will substantially disrupt another event being held at a neighboring venue1;
    6. The activity will substantially disrupt college operations (including classes);
    7. The activity is a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s police or security department;
    8. The activity will occur during college examination periods; or
    9. The activity is unlawful.
  6. During an event, the student, student organization, or college employee requesting the reservation is responsible for preserving and maintaining the facility it reserved. If it causes any damage to those facilities, the person(s) or organization (and its officers, if applicable) shall assume full responsibility.
  7. When assessing a request to reserve campus facilities, the college will not under any circumstances consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression. The college will not impose restrictions on external groups, students, student organizations, or college employees due to the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression. In the event that other persons react negatively to a student’s, student organization’s, college employee’s, or external group’s expression, college officials (including college police or security) shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the expressive activity to continue.

1 The expression of competing viewpoints or multiple speakers in proximity to each other does not, without more, constitute a substantial disruption.

Spontaneous Expressive Activity

For outdoor campus facilities and areas, students, student organizations, and their sponsored guests may freely engage in spontaneous expressive activities as long as they do not (a) block access to campus buildings, (b) obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, (c) substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events, (d) substantially disrupt college operations, (e) constitute unlawful activity; or (f) create a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s police or security department.

The Bolick Student Center, North Mall Meeting Room, Dickinson Theater, and Fried Community Room are indoor areas that are available for spontaneous expressive activity, as long as noise levels do not become excessive to the degree that it interferes with classrooms and labs, the library, and offices in their ability to operate efficiently. Because of the configuration of the Bolick Student Center, it will not be available for any expressive activity, spontaneous or otherwise, that requires it to be blocked off from other areas during the activity because of the significant disruption in college operations this would create.

Areas Not Available for Expressive Activity

The following indoor areas/facilities are not available for expressive activity:

  • Library
  • Administrative/business offices
  • Classrooms and labs (during instructional hours)
  • Bookstore
  • Café
  • Hallways
  • Entrances to buildings within 25 feet of doors

Banners and Distribution of Commercial Materials

Banners used in expressing speech should be stand-alone, should comply with the provisions of this policy, and cannot be used to block, obstruct, or otherwise deny access to any pedestrian, block or obstruct vehicular traffic, deface any college or private property, create safety hazards, or require employees to assist with their deployment.

Distribution of commercial as well as non-commercial advocacy advertising or the placement of commercial and non-commercial material must follow PVCC Policy II-40.0, and is prohibited in the following areas:

  • Administrative offices
  • Classrooms, computer rooms, laboratories, and all other places where instruction takes place
  • Libraries
  • Bulletin boards that are not listed as open bulletin boards under Policy II-40.0