Career Studies Certificate
Code: 221-636-05
Purpose: This career studies certificate is designed to prepare students to provide developmentally appropriate learning environments for infants and toddlers. This certificate provides the entry-level competencies documented by Virginia’s Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals. These competencies include health, safety and nutrition, understanding child growth and development, appropriate child observation and assessment, partnering with fa miles and community, learning environment, effective interactions, program management, teacher qualifications, and professional development curriculum. This certificate exceeds the Child Development Associates credential (CDA), which would make PVCC students who hold this certificate fully qualified for any program that requires the CDA as a minimum. Students accepted into the program will plan their coursework with the aid of the Program Coordinator or with the dean of the Division of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences.
Occupational Objectives: Employment opportunities include positions in childcare centers, Early Head Start classrooms, family day care homes, preschool programs, centers for children with special needs, residential childcare facilities, and industry associated centers.