Feb 12, 2025  
PVCC 2023-2024 College Catalog 
PVCC 2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Requirements

General Admission to the College

Individuals are eligible for admission to PVCC if they are high school graduates or the equivalent (GED), or if they are 18 years of age or older and able to benefit from study at the community college. Dual enrollment students are admitted according to the provisions in the Governing Principles for Dual Enrollment Between Virginia’s Public Schools and the Virginia Community College System. Other persons not meeting these admissions criteria may apply to the College for special consideration for admittance.

Individuals may be admitted to PVCC as curricular or non-curricular students. For all students, a completed official application for admission (Social Security Number requested) is required. Students working toward a degree (curricular students) must also provide transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended. Students applying for admission to nursing, emergency medical technology, surgical technology, radiography and diagnostic medical sonography also may be required to provide high school transcripts.

Additional information may be required by the College for admission to a specific program or curriculum.

The College reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse admission to applicants if such refusal is considered to be in the best interest of the College. PVCC will not accept any student who has been dismissed from another college or university due to misconduct, threatening behavior, or who has been determined to be a potential threat. Students may be denied admission to the College if there is sufficient reason to believe that they present a danger to themselves or to other member of the college community.

Regional Priority Admission Plan

When enrollment must be limited for any course or curriculum, first priority will be given to all qualified students who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college, provided such students apply for admission to the program in a reasonable length of time prior to registration. The priority list is as follows: (1) residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college, (2) other Virginia residents, (3) out-of-state students, and (4) international students.

Students Transferring from Other Colleges

Normally, transfer students who are eligible for re-entrance at their last college of attendance are also eligible for admission to the community college. It is PVCC’s practice to analyze credit accepted for transfer in terms of level, content, quality, comparability, and degree program relevance, as recommended by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Credit from international post-secondary institutions may be awarded upon evaluation by an approved private evaluation agency.

Transfer students who are ineligible to return to a particular curriculum in a previous college generally may not be allowed to enroll in the same curriculum in the community college until one semester elapses, or until an approved preparatory program at the college is completed. The dean of student services at PVCC shall decide on each case and can impose special conditions for the admittance of such students.

Admission to a Curriculum

In addition to the general admission requirements for acceptance by the college, there are specific curricular requirements listed in the “Instructional Programs” section of this catalog.
Student should check the curriculum of their choice to see if they have met the required prerequisites for enrolling in that curriculum. If students do not meet these requirements, they may be able to make up deficiencies by taking developmental or other courses.
To change from one curriculum to another, student must contact an academic advisor.

International Students

PVCC is approved by the Citizenship and Immigration Services of the United States Department of Homeland Security to enroll international students.

International students requesting an I-20 form for an F-1 visa will be required to submit the following items:

  • A completed official application for admission;
  • A supplemental application form;
  • Transcripts of all academic records translated into English;
  • A notarized or certified statement verifying financial support; and
  • A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of at least 500 on the paper/pencil test, 173 on the computer test, or 61 on the Internet-based test for applicants whose native language is other than English.

The listed items must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the term of admission. The college will not make a decision on admission until all forms have been received.

International students who are present in the United States on a temporary or student visa are considered out-of-state nonresidents for tuition and fee purposes. Length of stay, payment of taxes, ownership of property, etc., in and of themselves, do not qualify international students for the status of legal resident.

Students for whom an I-20 has been issued must maintain full-time status, taking at least 12 credit hours each semester. Furthermore, a period of 2 1/2 years shall normally be deemed the maximum period for which an individual will be certified under F-1 status.

International students who acquire a student visa from another college will not be considered for admission to PVCC until they have successfully completed one semester or term at the institution to which they were originally accepted and present a written release from the institution, which indicates that the student is academically eligible to return.

Undocumented Students

It is the policy of PVCC to admit applicants who are residing in Virginia who have graduated from a Virginia high school with a high school diploma or equivalent, even if they are not able to document their legal presence. Applicants who have questions about the ability to take classes should contact the Admissions and Advising Office for guidance.

Current High School Students

Based on guidelines developed and approved by the State Department of Education and the Virginia Community College System, PVCC provides several opportunities for qualified high school students to enroll in courses at the college.

Early Admission

Designed for academically strong high school students who wish to take college courses while still in high school. To qualify for this program the student must complete or submit the following prior to registration: an application (parents must complete and sign domicile statement), a high school transcript, an approval form signed by both the high school and a PVCC representative, and placement testing.

High School/PVCC Dual Enrollment

Designed for high school juniors and seniors enrolled in special PVCC courses offered at the high school during the regular school day. Courses within this program must be approved by the school system and the college. Students’ admission to this program is approved by the high school. To qualify for this program, the student must submit an application (parents must complete and sign domicile statement) prior to registration. Students should speak with a high school guidance counselor for more information.

Home School Students

PVCC considers admission for students who are 16 years old, who are not enrolled in either public or private school, and who are home school students. The acceptance of these students is considered as enrichment to the home school program, but does not substitute for the home school program. In order to be accepted to the college, students must take the placement tests and place into college-level work.

High School Non-completers

PVCC will admit students who have not completed high school. Admission is based on the student’s ability to benefit. Students who are under the age of 18 must go through assessment and advising. They must also get an approval form signed by the principal of the high school last attended and the PVCC dean of student services.

To qualify for this program the student must complete or submit the following prior to registration: an application (parents must complete and sign domicile statement if student is under 18 years of age), an approval form signed by both the high school principal and PVCC dean of student services (if student is under 18 years of age), and assessment testing and admission into a curricular program.

Students who are over 18 years of age will be admitted after submission of an application with appropriate parental signatures, assessment, and a counseling session.

Student Information System

PVCC’s Student Information System is accessed online. It allows students to complete online many of their business transactions with the college. It is accessed through the MyPVCC link at www.pvcc.edu/mypvcc.

Student Records Information/Access

PVCC complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 when releasing information about students. The following directory information will be released: name, degrees/honors/and awards received, major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, most recent educational agency or institution attended, number of credit hours enrolled, and photos.

Employees of the college may have access to student records when acting in the student’s educational interest and within the limitation of their need to know. In addition, the college may use student record information for institutional research.

All hard copy data is maintained for three years after the student’s last date of attendance. Electronic data is not purged.

Disclosure of Social Security Number

Disclosure of student social security number may not be required initially, but it is highly recommended. Disclosure ultimately will be required for most students at the time of enrollment, per § 6050S of the Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, or at the time of disbursement of federal financial aid, per 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668.36. Section 23-2.2:1 of the Code of Virginia also authorizes the Virginia Community College System to collect student social security numbers and other personally identifiable information prior to a student’s enrollment, and requires it to electronically transmit enrollment data to the State Police. However, the VCCS only uses social security numbers in accordance with federal and state reporting requirements, and for identification purposes within the VCCS. It shall not permit further disclosure unless required or authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, or pursuant to your obtained consent.

Assessment and Placement Testing

For stuents who graduated high school within five yearsof applying to PVCC, GPA and high school coursework is used to place students in the appropriate English or math course:  

English Placement:
Years Since High School Graduation High School GPA Course Placement
0-5 years 3.0 +  ENG 111
0-5 years 2.0 - 2.99 ENG 111 + EDE 11
0-5 years Less than 2.0 EDE 10
Math Placement:
Years since High School Graduation High School GPA / Math Coursework Course Placement
0-5 years 3.4 + plus passing grade in Math Analysis/Pre-calculus with Trig. MTH 263 (or below)
0-5 years 3.2 + plus passing grade in Math Analysis/Pre-calculus without Trig. MTH 162 or MTH 261 (or below)
0-5 years 3.2 + plus passing grade in Math Analysis/Pre-calculus without Trig. or passing grade in Statistics MTH 245 (or below)
0-5 years 3.0 + with Algebra 2 MTH 130, 131, 154, 155, 161, 167
0-5 years 3.0 + without Algebra 2 MTH 130, 131, 154, 155
MDE 60
0-5 years 2.0 - 2.99 with Algebra 2

MTH 130, 131
MTH 154 + MDE 54
MTH 155 + MDE 55
MTH 161 + MDE 61

0-5 years 2.0 - 2.99 without Algebra 2

MTH 130, 131
MTH 154 + MDE 54
MTH 155 + MDE 55
MDE 60

0-5 years Less than 2.0 MDE 10


(SAT, ACT and GED scores are valid for the 5 years after the date of the test.)

English Placement with SAT, ACT or GED:
Standardized Test Score Range Course Placement
SAT 480 or above ENG 111
SAT 400 - 470 ENG 111 + EDE 11
SAT Below 400 EDE 10
ACT 18 or above ENG 111
ACT 15 - 17 ENG 111 + EDE 11
ACT 14 or below EDE 10
GED 165 or above ENG 111
Math Placement with SAT, ACT or GED:
Standardized Test Score Range Course Placement
SAT 500 or above MTH 130, 131, 154, 155, 161, 167
SAT 470 - 490 MTH 130, 131, 154, 155
MTH 161 + MDE 61
ACT 18 or above MTH 130, 131, 154, 155, 161, 167
ACT 17 MTH 130, 131, 154, 155
MTH 161 + MDE 61
GED 165 or above MTH 130, 131, 154, 155
MTH 161 + MDE 61
GED 155 - 164 MTH 130, 131
MTH 154 + MDE 54
MTH 155 + MDE 55
MDE 60
GED 154 or below MDE 10

Students who have been out of high school 6 years or more, are able to place themselves in English and math coursework through a process called self-placement. After applying to PVCC, students complete the Advising Questionnaire which helps guide the student to what English and math classes are best to start based on  current academic skills. Academic Advisors are available to help and discuss placement decisions. 

Advanced Standing

The mission of PVCC includes aiding students who wish to move toward their goals as efficiently as possible.

Advanced standing provides an opportunity to receive academic credit for learning acquired through non-college experiences prior to entering or returning to PVCC. Students may be awarded academic credit for nontraditional learning experiences if they are enrolled in a curriculum of study at the college and can demonstrate previous educational study, training or work experience is equivalent to the content and learning outcomes for courses in their program of study. When credit for nontraditional learning is awarded, a grade of “pass” (P) will be issued. All courses for which academic credit is awarded must meet VCCS and SACS criteria for awarding credit. The VCCS policy regarding advanced standing follows:

Awarding Academic Credit for Nontraditional Learning

VCCS Policy (Policy No. allows for the awarding of credit based on previous academic study or acquired through nontraditional means. This may include but is not limited to college credit and advancement based upon the administration and evaluation of locally developed examinations, individual college participation in nationally recognized standardized examinations; experiential learning; and training provided non-collegiate institutions, such as armed forces and service schools.

Awarding Credit Based on Examinations

  1. Nationally recognized standardized examinations including AP, IB, Cambridge, and CLEP.

Upon receipt of official test scores, PVCC accepts a score of three (3) and higher for Advanced Placement (AP) courses, a score of four (4) or higher for higher level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of five (5) or higher for standard level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of fifty (50) or higher on CLEP courses, and scores of C or better for Cambridge Advanced (A/AS) examinations when the equivalent course is offered by PVCC. PVCC assumes no responsibility regarding the acceptance of Advanced Standing credit by other institutions to which the student may transfer.

  1. Locally Developed Examinations

Students may satisfactorily demonstrate subject-matter competency by means of an examination developed and evaluated by PVCC’s faculty. Examinations are based on established course learning outcomes and are comprehensive. Practical examinations or skills assessments may be required to demonstrate competencies.

  1. Relevant industry certification, state, or national licensure.

Awarding Credit by Experiential Learning

Credit may be granted for prior learning for non-collegiate education, training, and/or occupational experiences that demonstrate college-level learning as recommended by college faculty, the American Council on Education (ACE), the National College Credit Recommendation Service, or another college approved organization. In addition PVCC awards academic credit to any enrolled student who has successfully completed a military training course or program as part of the student’s military service that is applicable to the certificate or degree requirements and is recommended for academic credit by a national higher education association that provides academic credit recommendations for military training courses or programs, noted on the student’s military transcript issued by any of the armed forces of the United States, or otherwise documented in writing by any of the armed forces of the United States

Credit awarded based upon locally-developed examinations


ETR 113 - DC and AC Fundamentals I   Examination
ETR 141-Electronics I Examination
HLT 141 - Introduction to Medical Terminology   Examination
ITD 110 - Web Page Design I   Examination
NAS 2 - Foundations of Life Sciences   Examination
NUR 230-Pharmacology Examination (available only to licensed LPNs)

Credit awarded based upon nationally recognized standardized examinations

BLD 215 - OSHA 30 Construction Safety   OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training Course
ETR 113 - DC and AC Fundamentals I ,
ETR 156 - Digital Circuits and Microprocessor Fundamentals ,
MEC 155 - Mechanisms ,
MEC 161 - Basic Fluid Mechanics Hydraulics/Pneumatics  
  Siemens Certified Mechatronics System Assistant
HLT 100 - First Aid and Cardio- pulmonary Resuscitation     American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED (For healthcare programs, verify eligibility of advance standing for this certification with Division Dean.)
EMS 111 - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic 
EMS 120 - Emergency Medical Technician-Clinical  
  National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
IND 243 - Introduction to Mechatronics   MSi Manufacturing Specialist
MSSC Certified Product Technician
ITE 120 - Principles of Information Systems     IC3 Digital Literacy Exam
project SAILS Information Literacy Exam*
ETR 164 - Upgrading and Maintaining PC Hardware  
ITN 106 - Microcomputer Operating Systems  
  CompTIA A+ Certification
ITN 101 - Introduction to Network Concepts     CompTIA Network+ Certification
ITN 111 - Server Administration (Windows)     CompTIA Server+ Certification
ITN 170 - Linux System Administration     CompTIA Linux+ Certification
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics (Security+)     CompTIA Security+ Certification
SAF 130 - Industrial Safety - OSHA 10   OSHA 10-Hour Industry Training Course




Advanced Placement

College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit may be given through this program if applicable to the student’s program and if scores are above the minimum level suggested by the American Council of Education (ACE).

Official score reports must be sent to the Admissions and Advising Center. Students who plan to transfer should contact the prospective college or university to determine the acceptability of CLEP credit. Click on link for rrequired scores and PVCC course equivalencies.