Mar 13, 2025  
PVCC 2022-2023 College Catalog 
PVCC 2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information


Tuition is due and payable at the time of registration or by the date posted each term. Tuition charges are subject to change at the discretion of the State Board for Community
Colleges. The most current tuition is posted on the college website at

Payment of tuition enables students to use the library, bookstore, student study areas, and other facilities of the college. There are no separate laboratory or library fees, but students are expected to pay charges for any school property (such as laboratory or shop equipment, supplies, library books and materials) they damage or lose.

Dishonored checks or dishonored credit/debit card payments must be made good within ten working days after notification from the Business Office. There is a $35 service charge for each check returned. If payment is not received by the Business Office, the fee will increase to $50. In addition, the check writer is responsible for all reasonable administrative costs, collection fees, or attorney fees incurred in the collection of the check.

Any student who has unpaid debts to the college such as tuition and fees, insufficient funds checks, and Pell grant repayments will be reported to a collection agency, the credit bureau, and to the Set-Off Debt program of the Virginia Department of Taxation.

Any collection costs associated with this debt will be charged to the student.

If payment is not received, the student will be suspended from attending classes. A hold will be placed on the student’s academic record until payment is received.

In-State Tuition Eligibility

To be eligible for in-state tuition, an applicant must be and have been legally domiciled in Virginia for a period of at least one year prior to the semester for which he/she is enrolling. An applicant must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, that he/she is eligible for in-state tuition. All applicants must complete the domiciliary items included on the application and provide any documentation that may be deemed necessary.

All independent applicants under the age of 24 must meet one of the following criteria or provide clear and convincing evidence of independent domicile:

  • Veteran or active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces;
  • Married;
  • If both parents are deceased, no adoptive or legal guardian;
  • Graduate or baccalaureate degree;
  • Ward of the court or was a ward of the court until age 18; or
  • Legal dependents other than spouse.

For all dependent applicants under the age of 24, a parent or legal guardian will need to complete domiciliary items included on the application.

Documentation may include the following forms from Virginia: driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, state income tax forms, employment verification from employer, voter registration, etc. Factors used to support instate tuition must have existed for a period of one year prior to the first day of class. No one factor is sufficient.

The registrar is responsible for making decisions on domicile matters. The applicant who is denied in-state tuition has a right to appeal. PVCC’s appeals process is as follows:

  1. Within five working days of notification of denial, the applicant must submit a written appeal with any additional supporting documentation to the dean of student services. Within five working days of receiving the information, the dean will notify the applicant of the decision.
  2. If the applicant is denied again, an appeal, in writing, may be made to the vice president for instruction and student services within five working days. The vice president will chair a committee to review the case. The applicant will be notified of the committee decision within 10 working days from date the appeal was received.
  3. A final appeal may be made to the circuit court in Charlottesville within 30 days of receipt of the decision by the dean. A copy of the petition for review must be filed with the college when it is filed with the court.

Waived Tuition

Dependents of fire fighters/police officers killed in the line of duty and war orphans education benefits Sections SB-529 and SB-626 of the Code of Virginia provide for free tuition to attend state-supported institutions of higher education for children of persons killed in the line duty to the state of Virginia or deceased, disabled, prisoners of war, or missing in action as a result of any armed conflict after December 6, 1941, involving the armed forces of the United States. Applications and more information are available from the Financial Aid Office.

Tuition Refunds

Students shall be eligible for a refund for those credit hours dropped during the add/drop period. After the add/drop period has passed, there will be no refunds except under extraordinary circumstances, which must be approved by the vice president for finance and administrative services.

For exact add/drop dates for all sessions, consult the schedule of classes or the academic calendar at

If a student registers for a program or course that is canceled by the college before the start of classes, and the student does not elect to enter an alternate program or course, the student is eligible for a refund of tuition.

Nonpayment of Debts

All services are withheld from a student who owes money to the college for any reason, or who has books or materials outstanding from the Betty Sue Jessup Library or other college departments. This means that no transcripts are issued, the student is not permitted to register, nor are other services provided.

Holds on Student Records/ Service Indicators

A hold or service indicator will be placed on a student’s official record under certain conditions. Nonpayment of financial obligations, such as tuition, college fines, and other debts will result in a hold on a student record. A hold will restrict the student from enrolling, having transcripts or grade reports issued, or receiving other college services. Disciplinary action, academic probation, academic suspension, or dismissal may also result in a hold on student enrollment.


Institutional Fee

Students are charged an institutional fee per credit hour, which is collected at the beginning of each term. The funds collected under this fee shall be used exclusively to construct, repair, and maintain college parking lots; and to construct, repair, and maintain parking lot lights, adjacent and connecting sidewalks, medians, and grounds that are within or abut the parking lots. The fee is refunded if the student withdraws completely from the college within the appropriate refund period. For current fee information, please see the college website at

Student Activity Fee

Students are charged a student activity fee per credit hour. For current fee information, please see our website at

Technology Fee

All students in the Virginia Community College System are charged a technology fee per credit hour. The funds are used to implement major improvements to information technology for the 23 community colleges in Virginia. The fee is refunded if the student withdraws completely from the college within the appropriate refund period. For current fee information, please see our website at

Capital Fee

All out-of-state students are charged a capital fee per credit hour. For current fee information, please see our website

Books and Materials

Students are expected to obtain their own books, supplies, and consumable materials needed in their studies. The estimated cost of these items is $900 per semester for a full-time student.


Current students can access an unofficial transcript anytime by logging in to their MyPVCC account. Current and former students may obtain an official transcript through Parchment Transcript Service for a nominal fee. Those requesting official transcripts should check with the receiving institution to ensure acceptance of electronic transcripts.  

The college does not provide copies of transcripts received from other colleges and universities.