Mar 13, 2025  
PVCC 2022-2023 College Catalog 
PVCC 2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The college holds a period of registration prior to each term. Refer to the schedule of classes issued each term and the academic calendar on the college website at, for specific dates and instructions. Before registering for classes, new students must complete the college’s application. Registration is complete when the college has received tuition payment.

It is the responsibility of the student to know and observe dates with regard to adding, dropping, and withdrawing from classes. These dates are also published in the schedule of classes, on the academic calendar on the college website, and are available in the Admissions and Advising Center.

Change of Enrollment

Schedule changes may be made by using the online registration system or by visiting the Admissions and Advising Center. Changes are effective at the time they are processed.

Adding a Course

Students may add a course during the add/drop period, according to the dates published on the academic calendar on the college Web site

Dropping a Course

Students who plan to drop a course should be aware of the deadlines to qualify for a refund and/or withdraw without grade penalty as published on the academic calendar on the college website Financial aid students planning to drop a class should consult with the financial aid office to be aware of potential financial aid implications.

Cancellation of a Section or Course by the College

PVCC expects to offer all courses as advertised each term. While every effort is made to offer all courses, at times conditions exist which may prevent the offering of a particular course or courses.

The college will make every effort to help students who have registered for the cancelled course to enroll in another course.

The college does not guarantee course alternatives solely based on student convenience or preference.

Failure to Begin a Course on Time

When students enroll in a course, they are expected to attend every class. If students do not begin attending by the second week of classes, they will be withdrawn from the course.

Withdrawal from the College

A student who wishes to withdraw from the college should contact the Admissions and Advising Center to determine the appropriate procedure. Failure to follow procedures could jeopardize a student’s ability to receive future additional financial aid.

Active Military Service Policy

Students called to military service in the uniformed services in the midst of a semester are granted special consideration regarding refunds, credits, and reinstatement at the College. Military service is defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, for a period of more than 30 days under call or order to active duty of more than 30 days. Students should notify the veteran’s affairs specialist in the event of being called to military service.

Should a student be ordered to active duty or be mobilized and requests to be withdrawn from the College after the census date, the student may elect either to be deleted from the registration file and be awarded a refund, or to be administratively withdrawn with no refund and assigned a grade of “W.”

Students requesting refunds shall be refunded for all tuition and required fees including miscellaneous education, general program, auxiliary services and student activity fees. Such refunds may be retained and applicable to tuition fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.

Students ordered to active duty or are mobilized may receive an incomplete grade (“I”) until released from active duty or mobilization. All course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization.

Please click on link to view the complete Active Military Service policy.

Course Prerequisites

Admission to specific courses is available only when the student meets the prerequisites for the course. Course prerequisites have been established to ensure students have the preliminary knowledge and competencies necessary to successfully complete the course.

Enrollment Override

Enrollment may be overridden for students who (1) provide documented evidence (college transcript, SAT, ACT, AP, CLEP or other advanced placement documentation) that prerequisite coursework has been successfully completed; (2) present a transcript demonstrating a completed bachelor’s degree, master’s and/or Ph.D. that demonstrates prior knowledge in the subject area; (3) provide placement test scores from another Virginia community college, provided the scores are available in the Student Information System; and (4) provide GRE Scores in lieu of SAT or ACT scores.

Division dean approval is required for (1) students currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at another university or college, (2) students without documentation that prerequisites have been met, (3) class limit overrides, and (4) all enrollment requests after the first week of class.

Students wishing to enroll in a course for the third time after two unsuccessful attempts are referred to the vice president for instruction and student services. In the absence of the vice president, the dean of student services may grant this approval.

Auditing a Course

Generally, the college does not encourage students to enroll in credit courses on an audit basis. Students who wish to attend a course without receiving academic credit must submit a “Petition to Audit” form, and receive permission from the instructor and from the appropriate division dean. The division dean will inform the student when/if the audit is approved. Audit students must register and pay the regular tuition.

Audited courses carry no credit, do not count as a part of the student’s course load, do not meet degree/certificate requirements, and do not transfer to other institutions. Students must adhere to the instructor’s attendance policy when they audit.

Audit enrollments are on a “space available basis” and are completed after the last day to add or drop a course as published on the academic calendar on the college website

Senior Citizens Enrollment

By action of the General Assembly, senior citizens who are legal residents of Virginia one year or longer and age 60 or older may be entitled under specified conditions to a waiver of tuition. Under this provision, such senior citizens who have a taxable income of $23,850 or less may take courses for academic credit without paying tuition. There is no income restriction for senior citizens wishing to audit a class.

All senior citizens are required to pay for instructional materials (books, lab fees, etc.), and applicable fees.

Virginia law requires PVCC to accommodate all tuition-paying students before admitting senior citizens requesting a tuition waiver. Therefore, senior citizens requesting a tuition waiver will be seated on a space available basis after the last day to add or drop a class as published on the academic calendar on the college website

Senior citizens may choose to register and pay for a class to guarantee a seat; however, they may not subsequently change to tuition-free status for that semester. Senior citizens who wish to apply for a tuition waiver need to complete the “Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver for Audit/Credit” form, which can be found on the website and in the Admissions and Advising Center.